Monday, January 31, 2011

White pallets

I like white room pallets. They're the simplest way to make the most impact of colorful framed artwork, and framed window views. The contrast and interest guides you to the smallest of details, and allows you to hone in on texture. Natural light, and nature in general feels most highlighted here. I love it. And I don't think it's boring either.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

ny map journal...a series?

A project for myself once I get settled in my new place. Love the idea of framing my trip to NY with Matt last winter. Pending on whether or not it turns out the way I want it, I think it would be meaningful and colorful to have in an office someday, documenting all our trips in frames along the wall. Just need some stickers to make notes of where we went, where we ate, what we did...and date the month/year of our trip. Cheap too! I got my idea from the wedding invites above...! I'm thinking white frames for the maps, but wouldn't a coral-orange frame thrown into the mix be awesome?

Tuesday, January 25, 2011


lemon. also loving this color lately. i feel like my preferences are sometimes color-dehydrated, and i need a little yellow to balance out the the bakers twine for diy valentines or invites?


How is cardboard sleek and stylish? I don't know. But I like it.

Sunday, January 23, 2011

february is love.

Matt and I are making homemade valentines.