Evidently wabi-sabi is a Japanese world view on aesthetic. And I love aesthetics. This aesthetic focuses on transcience, or, a beauty that is imperfect, impermanent and incomplete.
In a design sense, wabi-sabi incorporates asymmetry, asperity, simplicity, modesty, intimacy and the suggestion of natural processes. If an object, space or form of expression can bring about a sense of serene meloncholy and a spiritual longing, it is considered to be wabi-sabi. Wabi-sabi is said to nuture all that is authentic by acknowledging three simple realities, that nothing lasts, nothing is finished and that nothing is perfect.
such an amazing concept! thanks for opening my eyes. (i love reading your blog chelsea- you always have the best photos!)
lindsay- they're peonies! kind of fitting for my blog, no? and also one of my favorite flowers. crystal- thanks for your comments!
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